Pagan Professional Counseling Yahoo Group

This Yahoo Group is for professional counselors who are Neo-Pagan (Wiccan, Druid, Asatru, etc.) or friendly towards & especially concerned with Neo-Pagan issues. It’s meant for psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, school counselors, mental health counselors, social workers, creative arts therapists, and other licensed mental health professionals. Also – graduate students actively working towards licensure and retirees.

It is designed as a forum to exchange ideas, information, and concerns about issues specific to working with Neo-Pagan clients and issues in which your status as a Neo-Pagan impacts your professional work.

To learn more about the Pagan_Professional_Counseling group, please visit

Topics including but not limited to pastoral care, counseling, training, legalities and leadership issues are discussed respectfully. We will discuss both secular counseling matters where Neo-Paganism impacts, as well as the development of Neo-Pagan pastoral counseling techniques.

Here are some of the purposes I see this forum potentially handling:

A Home for Pagan Therapists: A place therapists using just secular
techniques can come to gather when issues regarding their personal
spirituality intrude on their otherwise separate work life.

Pagan Counseling: How is counseling a Pagan client different than a
mainstream client? What’s different about this population

Pagan “Pastoral” Counseling: A forum for the development of spiritual
and pastoral techniques suitable to Pagan clients. A place to discuss
how (and when) to mix secular psych techniques with spiritual
techniques when it’s client-appropriate.


Pagan Therapy Advocacy: What tools and materials do we need publicly
available to help Pagan clients and to educate our peers? Perhaps a
website with a directory of Pagan-friendly therapists? Perhaps a
Power Point show for other counselors on why Wicca is not a form of
mental illness?

I hope you will join us.

Group Email Addresses:

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