We Are Everywhere!

I got a good laugh this evening — and am strangely uplifted too. Tonight I received two emails. The first was from the full-time chaplain of a hospital. He’s been through Christian seminary, is ordained, and wants to join the Pagan Professional Counseling listserv. Turns out he’s also Wiccan and is the HP of a coven. The second email was from a newsletter editor at a Pagan graduate school apologizing for messing up her email lists and sending her local UCC church bulletin out to the Pagan grad school mailing list!

I’m both amused and heartened. I like seeing Pagans working in the mainstream. Let’s face it — there are benefits and rewards to working with mainstream, larger congregations that might keep some Pagans interested in Christian church. And — lots of luck (with a few rare exceptions) of fulfilling your dream to be a PAID clergy member or hospital chaplain if you are openly Pagan.

I wonder how many of us Pagans are quietly working to make MAINSTREAM religion a better place?

— Michael


  1. Mike Welch said,

    August 27, 2008 @ 8:25 am

    I keep trying, Mike. It didn’t work out well with Philadelphia’s William Way Community Center and their “Out & Faithful” program series. The center didn’t support the O&F committee’s efforts very well. And the O&F committee didn’t have much of an interest in Pagan faiths and traditions. Then again…neither did the Pagan communities have much of an interest in participating. Maybe another time….
    Hope you’ll be presenting at this year’s 2008 DC Pagan Pride day event and that I’ll be able to attend. I enjoyed what you did last year; and I’ve been referring your theraputic services when people inquire about resources.

  2. Michael_Reeder said,

    August 27, 2008 @ 8:52 am

    Hi Mike W. — Yeah, that’s too bad. Do keep trying. I’ve had chaplains at GBMC and University of Maryland act initially interested in presentations on Paganism and their patients, and then disappear…

    Hospice of Baltimore had me in for a presentation as did a Baltimore professional counseling group. There’s some interest. The American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) were at least friendly at their Mid-Atlantic Conference a few years ago. They think of themselves as interfaith — but opened the session with Christian prayer.

    I am presenting Sept 7th at the Northern VA PPD. I’ll post an entry on this shortly!

    Michael R.

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