Archive for July, 2008

We Are Everywhere!

I got a good laugh this evening — and am strangely uplifted too. Tonight I received two emails. The first was from the full-time chaplain of a hospital. He’s been through Christian seminary, is ordained, and wants to join the Pagan Professional Counseling listserv. Turns out he’s also Wiccan and is the HP of a coven. The second email was from a newsletter editor at a Pagan graduate school apologizing for messing up her email lists and sending her local UCC church bulletin out to the Pagan grad school mailing list!

I’m both amused and heartened. I like seeing Pagans working in the mainstream. Let’s face it — there are benefits and rewards to working with mainstream, larger congregations that might keep some Pagans interested in Christian church. And — lots of luck (with a few rare exceptions) of fulfilling your dream to be a PAID clergy member or hospital chaplain if you are openly Pagan.

I wonder how many of us Pagans are quietly working to make MAINSTREAM religion a better place?

— Michael

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